Lowongan PLN Jabar Banten 2011

Bergabung Bersama Kami, Membangun Negeri
In order to meet the manpower needs of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution West Java & Banten
and PT PLN (Persero) P3B Java, Bali, West Java Region requires the employment of high school level science,
SMK Mechanical / Electrical, with a vacancy position as follows:
1. Distribution Technician TEKDIS SMA IPA, or Vocational School of Mechanical Engineering / Electrical
2. Distribution Operator OPDIS high school science, or vocational school of Mechanical Engineering / Electrical
3. Transmission Technician TEKTRANS SMA IPA, or Vocational School of Mechanical Engineering / Electrical
Position is designated as the Managing Power with 45 years of age pensions and Social Security administered by the Insurance Institute appointed by the Company. Placement in the region of West Java and Banten. The criteria required are as follows:
A. General Requirements:
* Gender male; unmarried status;
* Graduated high school or vocational school science in Mechanical Engineering / Electrical;
* Average Values Minimum UAN 6.00 (six comma zero zero);
* Value Report Card Grade 12 Semester 2:
* Mathematics: A minimum of 7.00 (seven-point-zero-zero)
* Value of Physics: A minimum of 7.00 (seven-point-zero-zero)
* Birth year 1991 or thereafter;
* Height:
* Applicants OPDIS: minimum 155 cm,
* Applicants TEKDIS and TEKTRANS: at least 160 cm
* For Applicants TEKDIS and TEKTRANS not afraid of heights;
* Physically and mentally healthy on the basis of examination of Physician / Laboratory designated by the Company;
* No smoking and could not to smoke;
* Passed all stages of selection, which includes: Selection of Administrative, Academic Testing, Physical Testing, Psychotest, Interview, Health Test and Training Prajabatan;
* Applicants can only select 1 (one) vacancy position.
B. Special Requirements:
* Derived from the population in the working area of West Java and Banten, evidenced by the ID card or household registration;
* Weight proportional to height, not exceeding the standard of obesity (BMI maximum 30);
* Regulated healthy (according to laboratory standards), not color blind, not myopic night, not wearing glasses / like, not cylindrical, and do not suffer from epilepsy;
* Not engage in drug abuse and other addictive substances and is not involved criminal actions as outlined in the Statement on the stamp Rp.6.000;
* No tattoos and not pierced / ex-piercing in the ears or other body part;
Has the physical ability to be able to do the work in the Operations Division such as:
a. Working in shifts (day / night)
b. Working on power generation facilities on site
c. Working in a disciplined and implement regulations within PT PLN (Persero);
7. Willing to follow Prajabatan education for a maximum of 12 (twelve) months with a status as a Student Training Prajabatan;
8. Where have passed Prajabatan Training, will be appointed as permanent employees and must undergo bond department for 5 (five) years since he was appointed as Officer.
C. Application Documents:
For applicants who meet the above criteria, may send the application by enclosing the document in the form:
1. Cover Letter.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Copy of ID card / driving license / Family Card is still valid.
4. Copy of Birth Certificate / Birth Know Letters that have been legalized.
5. Photocopy of diploma / STTB, Photocopy Exchange UAN SMU / SMK and Copy of last report card values that have been legalized.
6. Statement on the stamp Rp.6.000, – which states that:
- Not engage in drug abuse and other addictive substances,
- Not involved in criminal acts,
- No smoking,
7. Certificate of healthy and not color blind of Physicians.
8. Pas recent color photos of 3 sheets of 4×6 size.
D. Shipping Documents Application:
For Applicants TEKDIS, proposal documents included in the Map color Blue;
For Applicants OPDIS, proposal documents included in the Map Red color;
For Applicants TEKTRANS, proposal documents included in the map colored yellow;
Map inserted into the brown envelope, stating on the envelope name, complete address based on ID by Zip Code, Telephone Number / Mobile which can be contacted;
Cover letter addressed to:
Team Recruitment Officer
Year 2011 PT PLN (Persero) Bandung, PO BOX 3333 BDG
40000, and at the top left of the written code of the intended position, for example TEKDIS.
Applications received no later than February 5, 2011 (postmark). Submission of applications over
time will not be processed. Only applicants who meet the requirements that will be called upon to follow the selection. Venue and schedule selection will be notified via the Web Site of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution West Java and Banten on February 18, 2011. Not done correspondence with applicants and Recruitment Team Decision is Final (can not be contested).
For further information click:
Bandung, January 22, 2011
Recruitment Team
Employees Year 2011 PT PLN (Persero)
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