LOWONGAN KERJA Bank Syariah Mandiri 2010
BSM presence since 1999, is actually a boon as well as a blessing after the 1997-1998 economic and monetary crisis. As known, the economic and monetary crisis since July 1997, followed by a multi-dimensional crisis, including in the national political stage, has raised a variety of very great negative impact on all life aspects of society, the business world is no exception. Under such conditions, the national banking industry is dominated by conventional banks are experiencing a tremendous crisis. The government finally took action to restructure and merekapitalisasi most banks in Indonesia.
One of the conventional banks, PT Bank Susila Bakti (BSB), which is owned by the Employee Welfare Foundation (YKP) PT Bank Dagang Negara and PT Crown of Achievement is also affected by the crisis. BSB trying to get out of this situation by making efforts merger with several other banks as well as inviting foreign investors.
At the same time, the government merged (Merged) four banks (Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Exim, and Bapindo) into one new bank named PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) on July 31, 1999. Merger policy is also placing and set Bank Mandiri (s) Tbk. as the new majority owner of BSB.
As a follow up of decisions mergers; Bank Mandiri to consolidate and establish Sharia Banking Development Team. The formation of this team aims to develop Islamic banking services in the corporate group of Bank Mandiri, in response to enactment of Law No. 10 years old in 1998, which gives banks the opportunity to serve the Islamic transactions (Dual banking systems).
Islamic Banking Development Team considers that the application of the Act is the right momentum to perform the conversion of PT Bank Susila Bakti from conventional banks to Islamic banks. Therefore, Islamic Banking Development Team to prepare the system and its infrastructure soon, so that the BSB business changed from a conventional bank to a bank which operates under Islamic principles in the name of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, as stated in Deed: Sutjipto, SH. 23 dated 8 September 1999.
Changes in the BSB business activities into Sharia banks was confirmed by the Governor of Bank Indonesia through the Decree No. BI governor. 1 / 24 / KEP.BI/1999, October 25, 1999. Furthermore, through the Decree of Bank Indonesia Senior Deputy Governor No. 1/1/KEP.DGS / 1999, BI has agreed to change its name to PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. Following the inauguration and legal recognition, PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, officially began operations on Monday the 25th of Rajab 1420 H or November 1, 1999.
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri to attend, perform and grow as a bank that is able to combine business with idealism, spiritual values, which underlie its operations. Harmony between the idealism of business and spiritual values is what became one of the benefits of Bank Indonesia in its action on the banking sector. BSM exists to build Indonesia together towards a better Indonesia.
Management Development Program
Position Requirements
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major with minimum GPA of 3.00
- Fresh graduate are welcome
- Max. 27 years old by October 1st, 2010.
- Self motivated, innovative, optimistic and shows strong initiative.
- Able to work under pressure.
- Good command in English, oral & written
- Have Experience in campus or other organizational activities
- Have good analytical, interpersonal & communication skills
- Willing and able to be located in all operation area of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri, Tbk.
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