Lowongan Badan penyelenggara Pengadaan SDM Kota Surabaya

Criteria for qualification of candidates for new employees and equipment (non-contract) the placement of a representative office in Surabaya, include:
- Kabag Audit (Kode: KA) – Min sarjana
- Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan SDM (Kode: DKS)– Min Diploma 3
- Verifikasi Keuangan (Kode: KEU) – Min Diploma 3
- Ketatausahaan (Kode: KTU) – Min Diploma 1
- Administrasi Umum (Kode: AU) – Min Diploma 1
- Dinas Pemasaran & Pelayanana Masyarakat (Kode: DPM)– SMU/Kejuruan
* Minimum age 18 years to 35 years per year 2011
* Cover letter signed by the applicants and their resumes by including no.telp home / mobile number which can be contacted at the time of the call selection
* Pas recent photos 4×6 size 2 pieces with full name on the back of the photo
* Copy of your diploma or transcripts and copies of 1, identity (ID card / driving license) 2 pieces
File an application with the required documents included in the legal-sized brown envelope by writing CODE POSITION (top right corner of the envelope) and must be submitted no later than February 28, 2011 postmark to the address:
Badan Penyeleksi Pegawai Baru 2011
PO BOX 1122 SB 60011
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