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Rekruitmen Badan Standarisasi Nasional September 2010

To meet the manpower needs assessment of product certification body, the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) will conduct the recruitment of sub-contracted assessors are qualified for the following product areas:
Field study required:
1. Chemical Analyst
2. Chemical Engineering
3. Physics
4. Engineering Physics
5. Civil Engineering
6. Engineering
7. Textile Engineering
8. Electrical Engineering – Strong Flow
9. Forest Products Technology
1. Minimum Education Diploma / Bachelor degree field of exact sciences relevant
2. Completing the claim form assessor candidates
3. Work experience in testing laboratory at least four years, two years which were related to product testing on top
4. Know and understand the ISO quality management system ISO / IEC 17025
5. Know Your BSN 401 guidelines (ISO Guide 65)
6. Once the training quality management system ISO 9001 Test
7. Willing and obtain permission from instansinya for training assessors * for those who work in certain instances for five full days (evidenced by a letter of approval and permits from instansinya)
8. Willing and obtain permission from instansinya to be involved in product certification body assessment activity undertaken KAN between 1 to 3 working days (evidenced by a letter of approval and permits from instansinya)
9. Understanding the process of production / testing in accordance with their expertise
Please cover letter attached:
1. Complete Curriculum Vitae (form attached)
2. Statement (form attached)
3. Passport photo size 3×4 and 4×6 color photos in softcopy form.
4. Permits and approval letters from superiors to attend five full days of training.
5. copy of Diploma and certificates related training.
Applications addressed to:
Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN)
UP : Febriyanto Nugroho

Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok IV Lt 4
Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta.
Email :

1. Application received no later than the date of 4 September 2010 postmark
2. The result of the selection committee will be informed to the candidate who was elected in writing.
3. Only candidates who meet the qualifications above Applicants will be our next stage of the process.
Complete Information:
Rekruitmen Badan Standarisasi Nasional


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