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PT Sangkuriang International is an IT and Multimedia company with one of the mainstay products Nusantara Online ( Website PT Sangkuriang International can be found at
Currently, PT Sangkuriang International was in need of many co-workers (employees) are full-time. The post vacancies we open the opportunity this time are:

1. Managed Desktop Programmer
a. Mastering the Java programming language
b. Mastering J2EE (value)
c. Never did the Java programming in the large-scale project (added value)
d. Having a certified Java (value)
2. Unmanaged Desktop Programmer
a. Mastering C + + programming language
b. Never done C + + programming in large scale projects (value)
3. Web Developer
a. Mastering PHP, Javascript, HTML, and CSS
b. Mastering Ajax and Jquery (value)
c. Never use or control framework (value)
4. Project Management
a. Mastering UML
b. Have the competence to perform the analysis and design of large-scale software development
c. Understand structured or object-oriented methodology in software development
d. Never lead the IT project (added value)
e. Ever become analyst system (value)
5. Technical Marketing
a. Able to perform analysis software
b. Understand the methods and process of making a software
c. Been incorporated in software development (value)
d. Having the ability to communicate and negotiate
6. Programmer Hardware
a. Understanding development microcontroller
b. Mastering the assembly and C programming language
c. Have the ability to hardware design
d. Used to use serial communication RS232, RS486, RS422
e. Understanding TCP / IP
f. Accustomed soldering
General Requirements:
1. Fluent in English active and passive
2. Can work in teams
3. Like technology
4. Accustomed to working under pressure
Work Location: Bandung or Bekasi
If you are interested, send an email with attachment CV and diplomas to
* Include code designated position on the subject of mail.
Rama Septa
PT sangkuriang Internasional
Jl. Sempurna no.9 Cipaganti
Bandung – 40161
+62 22 2041803


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